Sunday, June 3, 2012

prepare for the Tour of Sri Lanka

Lahore: Training camps on the Pakistani cricket team A began here on Monday to prepare for the Tour of Sri Lanka. The rain on the first day, the players went through batting practice on the indoor school National Cricket Academy and did different exercises at the gym. Coach Mohatasim Rasheed said that the seven-day camp will also target matches. The team will leave for Sri Lanka on 20 august to participate in a triangular series and later two four-day matches against Sri Lanka. The third team of the triangular series will be next to South Africa, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.I was shocked to wake up this morning and they attacked in Lahore in Pakistan, and the fact that the Sri Lankan cricket team seemed to be the target of the attack to hear. Tragically, 8 or so police and other civilians lost their lives - and according to Kumar Sangakarra the only thing that helps the Sri Lankan team was the fact that their bus driver kept on the attack to run on the ground, an act that probably saved the lives of many more .I hate the fact that the athletes at the end of this attack - they have nothing to do with the politics behind that is causing this, and probably has just chosen to help the world's largest exposure to what they do. No innocent person deserves to be caught in an attack anyway, and the sportsmen and women should not have to worry about the fact that "used" for the risk they give the attacks.This is of great importance for the future of Pakistan cricket. Champions Trophy has already been canceled this year, and India, New Zealand and Australia have refused to be a trip to one reason or another, but the events of today will be a stop on everyone's turn for a game for a long long time means time. Nobody is going to emerge with the potential for their athletes to the middle of an attack, although the ICC could play. England returned to India after Mumbai attacks demonstrate that terrorism could not stop the sport, as it was not the players who were the primary focus, but today the situation is completely different.Pakistan will be little or no home-back games and will look at the use of neutral venues places like Dubai and Abu Dahbi as they have done that, although not ideal is a way to help keep them going. It's not the players fault, but they will surely see their lives affected, but now they are just grateful that they live. As it was, the game was quite nice, large numbers scored by a good Sri Lankan side, which is increasingly a force in cricket than we are right now!Go back to England Cricket - a dull road served a dull fourth test, so we showed up to the last test to get a win out of the game - it will be interesting to mentality and team selection knowing that significance to seeing you!

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